We are pleased to announce ISBE+ will be offered at ISBE 2024 following its successful introduction at ISBE 2022 in Stockholm. 

What is ISBE+?  

ISBE+ is an online platform allowing participants to view pre-recorded presentations that will be given at the ISBE Congress.  

Presenters at ISBE 2024 are not obliged to make a pre-recording for ISBE+, but those who elect to do so assist in the dissemination of their science and assist those who are unable to attend in-person. 

All presenters of plenary talks, contributed talks, and posters will be encouraged to pre-record their presentation and share it on ISBE+. Posters uploaded will offer a short (3 minute) oral & audio PowerPoint presentation. 

ISBE members unable to join the Congress also have the option to upload a presentation (subject to the review and approval of an abstract) to ISBE+. 

ISBE+ does not offer any live streaming from the Congress, nor any recordings taken at the time of the Congress.

There are significant costs associated with providing ISBE+. For these and other reasons, it is not open to the public and a registration fee applies to access to ISBE+. Pricing and registration will be released in early July 2024. Delegates who attend the Congress in person will be provided access to ISBE+. 

ISBE+ will be released to registered participants on 25 September 2024 and will be available to view until 31 December 2024.

Attending in-person  

Attending ISBE 2024 in-person offers numerous invaluable opportunities beyond those available via ISBE+, including meeting and networking with colleagues and researchers from across the world, talking with speakers after their presentations, access to the numerous public and social events, access to the exhibits and tours, and enjoying the infinite delights of Melbourne and Australia!  However, we understand that, for a variety of reasons, some ISBE members cannot, or perhaps do not want to, attend in-person and while ISBE+ does not provide the same experience as in-person attendance, it does provide these people with access to a considerable amount of the science.

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©International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress 2024