Program Overview

A detailed scientific program will be available shortly but to assist in your planning, the following overview provides a snapshot of the Congress days:

Sunday 29 September Registration opening from 1300hrs
Welcome Reception from 1700hrs
Monday 30 September Featuring Plenary Presentations
  • 0900-0945hrs Professor John Endler- 2020 Hamilton Lecture
    Presentation title: Coloration, vision, and natural history as generators of hypotheses
  • 1630-1715hrs Professor Claire Spottiswoode
    Presentation title: The natural history of a human-animal mutualism
Oral contribution presentations
Poster & Exhibition viewing
Poster Presentation Session from 1715-1845hrs
Tuesday 1 October Featuring Plenary Presentations
  • 0830-0915hrs Professor Shinichi Nakagawa -
    Presentation Title: Recapitulating and replicating behavioural ecology
  • 1600-1645hrs Professor Maren Vitousek
    Presentation Title: Coping with stress: from mechanisms to evolutionary consequences
Oral contribution presentations
Poster & Exhibition viewing
Poster Presentation Session from 1645-1815hrs
LGBTQIA+ (and allies) Trivia Night (optional)
Wednesday 2 October Featuring Plenary Presentation
  • 0830-0915hrs Professor Roxana Torres 
    Presentation Title: Sexual selection from a life history perspective
Oral contribution presentations
Poster & Exhibition viewing
Afternoon break, including optional tours 
Evening Public Lecture (optional) 1800hrs
Thursday 3 October Featuring Plenary Presentation
  • 0830-0915hrs Professor Ashleigh Griffin 
    Presentation Title: Behavioural ecology at the invisible scale: Challenges and solutions
  • 1600-1645hrs Professor Florian Schiestl
    Presentation Title: Pollinator behavior and flower evolution: new insights into an old question
Oral contribution presentations
Poster & Exhibition viewing
Evening Congress Event (optional) from 1900hrs
Friday 4 October Featuring Plenary Presentation
  • 1515-1600hrs Professor Kavita Isvaran 2024 Hamilton Lecture
    Presentation Title: Re-imagining competition among females: drawing from varied life-histories and ecological contexts
Oral contribution presentations
Poster & Exhibition viewing
Congress Close 1615hrs

An outstanding array of international plenary presenters will lead the program (view here for more information). These sessions will be complemented by many contributed oral presentations and posters addressing the following themes:

  • Altruism and cooperation
  • Anthropogenic change
  • Applied animal behaviour
  • Behavioural genomics
  • Behavioural plasticity
  • Contests
  • Communication
  • Conservation behaviour
  • Endocrine mechanisms
  • Foraging
  • Host-parasite interactions
  • Human behaviour
  • Learning and cognition
  • Life histories
  • Mating systems
  • Movement
  • Neurophysiological mechanisms
  • Outreach
  • Parental care
  • Plant-animal interactions
  • Predator-prey interactions
  • Sensory ecology
  • Sexual selection
  • Social behaviour
  • Welfare

More information will follow. To ensure you receive further updates, please register your interest by clicking the button below:

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South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311

©International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress 2024