Social Program

We are pleased to offer a range of events throughout the Congress to enhance your experience and to create opportunities for you to meet with colleagues from across the globe. Some events are included within your registration fees and others are optional at additional cost. 

Inclusive Events 

Welcome Reception

Date: Sunday 29 September 2024
Time: 1700-1830
Venue: Melbourne Convention Centre Courtyard
Cost: Included in Congress registrations. Additional tickets are available at $70 per person
Dress code: Smart casual 

As the first official social event of ISBE 2024, the Welcome Reception provides you with the opportunity to relax and enjoy the company of colleagues and friends in the surrounds of the Convention Centre Courtyard.

Sposnored by

Poster Sessions


Date: Monday 30 September 2024 (session 1) and Tuesday 1 October 2024 (session 2) 
Time: Monday 1715-1815 and Tuesday 1645-1745
Venue: Congress Exhibition Hall
Cost: Included in Congress registrations. Additional tickets are available at $45 per person

Light refreshments will be served during the poster sessions as you view posters and meet with the authors. 

Optional Events 

Congress Social Event 

Join us for a relaxed evening that will offer refreshments and a great opportunity to celebrate the Congress with your colleagues and friends. In ISBE tradition, great music will add to a memorable evening not to be missed.

Date: Thursday 3 October 2024
Time: 1900-2100
Venue: The Garden State Hotel 
Cost: $120 per person 
Dress code: Smart casual 

Diversity and Inclusion Event 

Details to be confirmed. Please note your interest on the registration form and more information will follow.


Details to be confirmed. Please note your interest on the registration form and more information will follow.

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119 Buckhurst Street
South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311

©International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress 2024