We are pleased to announce that ISBE+ will be offered at ISBE2024 following its successful introduction at ISBE2022 in Stockholm. ISBE+ is an online platform that will allow participants to view pre-recorded presentations given at the ISBE Congress.
Who has access?
All delegates attending the Congress will have access to ISBE+ for free as part of their registration. For ISBE members unable to attend the Melbourne Congress, access can be purchased for a modest fee that will contribute to the cost of delivering the platform. ISBE is also underwriting a large part of the costs of this platform to ensure equitable access.
All presenters of plenary talks, contributed talks, and posters will be encouraged to pre-record their presentation and share it on ISBE+. Posters uploaded will be offered the opportunity to upload a short (3-minute) oral & audio presentation of their poster.
When will you receive access?
We expect to launch ISBE+ two to three weeks after the Congress and will contact all delegates to advise when access is available.
For delegates coming to ISBE2024: why upload a talk onto ISBE+?
Although presenters at ISBE 2024 are not obliged to make a pre-recording for ISBE+, we strongly encourage everyone to do so to ensure accessibility and dissemination of your research to a wider audience. We know you are likely busy preparing your talk and for the meeting. So why is it worth your time and effort?
Sharing talks through ISBE+ has a variety of benefits:
1) You get to share your work with a wider audience. Given that there will be eight concurrent sessions for oral presentations and two poster sessions at ISBE2024, uploading a presentation gives attendees who missed out on seeing your presentation in Melbourne, or those who want to see it again, the opportunity to view it on the ISBE+ platform later.
2) For various reasons, members of our ISBE community may not be able to travel to Melbourne to attend the meeting in person. Uploading your talk to ISBE+ is an opportunity for you to contribute to inclusive and equitable access to research.
3) With all those concurrent sessions and great talks, you won’t be able to make it to all the talks that interest you. So, not only does your work reach more people, but when most speakers take the time to record and share their talks, you benefit from having access to insights from their research. It’s a common good.
Please consider recording as you practise your talk and sharing the resulting video through ISBE+! For example, in Zoom you can record the presentation as you share your slides. Feel free to use only audio if you prefer!
For ISBE members who couldn’t attend the Melbourne congress: you can upload a presentation too!
We appreciate that, for various reasons, many ISBE members were unable to attend the Melbourne Congress this year. As a way to promote greater equity and inclusion, ISBE members who were unable to join the Congress will also have the option to upload a presentation (subject to approval) to ISBE+. Submissions close Wednesday 09 October 2024.
If you are not presenting at ISBE2024, you may like to contribute a presentation to ISBE+. This option is open to all ISBE members. We especially welcome submissions for consideration from those who:
previously submitted an abstract for ISBE2024 and received an offer of presentation in Melbourne but were subsequently unable to join us; or
would like to share with the ISBE community a presentation in the field of behavioural ecology that they have given at another recent conference (e.g. Animal Behavior Society Conference; Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Meeting; Australasian Society for Study of Animal Behaviour Conference; Behaviour Conference (International Council of Ethologists))
To participate, please register for ISBE+ and upload an abstract and a recording. Registration to ISBE+ is essential for a recording to be considered.
Once registered you will receive a dropbox link where you can upload a recording that should be around 10-12 minutes but can be shorter if you prefer. It must be uploaded as an MP4 file. Please check the vision and audio on your recording before uploading your presentation. Your presentation will be reviewed and approved by the committee.
To register for ISBE+ and submit your abstract and presentation recording please click the button below.
Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn, connect, and grow.
©International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress 2024