Sustainability and ISBE 2024

We the Congress Organisers recognise that the congress itself and delegates’ travel to the event creates impacts on the environment. So we have a range of measures to reduce these impacts, including reducing use of, and recycling, a range of products, as described below; a food menu that is meat-free (i.e. vegetarian and plant-based); and the rollout of ISBE+, which allows folk access to conference material (i.e. talks and posters) voluntarily uploaded by delegates without travelling to the conference.

Additionally, we also have created links to options that we endorse, where you can donate funds to projects which demonstrably benefit the environment in Australia.

The two main entities we endorse are TreeProject in the state of Victoria, and the Karrkad Kanjdji Trust, which supports projects in Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory.


TreeProject, is a community based, not-for-profit organisation based in the state of Victoria, which essentially uses volunteers to raise locally indigenous species of plants, and then uses volunteers to plant these in suitable locations for environmental benefits.



The Karrkad Kanjdji Trust facilitates philanthropic donations to support Country, culture and community in West and Central Arnhem Land of the Northern Territory. The range of programs they support span six main areas:


Reduction and recycling at ISBE 2024

Paper Reduction

We have virtually eliminated printing for the conference, and delegates are encouraged to use electronic resources, such as downloads from the website and the conference app, whenever possible. Except when provided by other organisations over which we have no control, printing on paper for the Congress is done on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) graded paper. Note pads and pens will not be provided.

Plastic Reduction

We have reduced the use of plastics wherever possible. Delegates are encouraged to bring their own water bottle onsite which can be refilled at water stations within the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Recycling of congress products

Lanyards and name badges will be recycled at the end of the conference. Please return these to the receptacle at the Registration and Information Desk.


Our venue, the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) has been awarded a 6-star Green Rating by the Green Building Council of Australia for environmental design and operational features. Designed with the environment in mind, the MCEC was the first convention centre in the world to be awarded this rating, and it also achieved Gold Accreditation with the world’s sustainability benchmarking organisation, EarthCheck. To find out more about the MCEC initiatives in place, click here.

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119 Buckhurst Street
South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311

©International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress 2024